How it works
Data privacy
The privacy of your data is very important to us. In order to ensure that your request and the associated data are only accessible to you, we ask you to verify your cell phone number in a first step.
Choose a dermatologist
You decide who should look at your skin problem online. Choose a dermatologist from our medical network.
Describe the symptoms and upload photos of the skin problem
Answer questions about your skin problem and take three photos of the affected area (one overview photo and two close-ups from different angles). This information is very important in order for the dermatologist to make an assessment.
Get a specialist diagnosis
Within a short time (usually in 7 hours, maximum in 48 hours) you will receive our specialist diagnosis and a specific recommendation on what you can do about your skin problem.
About the doctor
Wir sind die Praxis, die sich Ihres Wunsches nach einer gesunden Haut und sichtbarer Schönheit annimmt. Damit umfasst unser Angebot ein breites Spektrum der Dermatologie und der ästhetischen Medizin. Dank der langjährigen ärztlichen Erfahrung, der regelmässigen Weiterbildung und dank modernster Geräte und Behandlungsmethoden sind Sie in der Praxis Skin & Beauty in guten Händen.
Beste Grüsse,
Ihre Dr. med. Clara Boudny Frey
Skin & Beauty
Dr. med. Clara Boudny Frey
Lenzburgerstrasse 2
5702 Niederlenz